To do this operation you need to know that you need two files

The first is the “. ” that you find in the root of your server, at least in the vast majority of cases. lock files and folders with The second file we need is the “.” file. Unlike the first, you will have to create this file yourself with a common .txt text editor. Systems often do not allow the generation of files that begin with a period. For this reason: name your file htpasswd.txt move it to the server above the root remove the .txt extension and rename it “.” Once the file has been created and named, inside it you will have to enter the passwords you intend to use to lock the folders. Around the internet you will find many tools created for this purpose.

Generate an encrypted password by providing it with

I recommend Indonesia Telegram Number Data Go to and . generate encrypted passwords for Great, at this point you have your encrypted password ready to be copied and pasted into the file correctly positioned above the root. Now that the file contains your list of enabled usernames and passwords, let’s go to the file and tell it that it will have to follow these instructions. So let’s type the following: t move/copy this file to the folders want to protect and you’re done. No crawler will be able to access. Why don’t search engines strictly follow the instructions in the robots.txt file? The reasons are many.

Very often some of the pages that you have indicated as “closed” in your robots.txt

Telegram Number Data

To give an example,  file Kazakhstan phone number database are still presented in the search results due to . One or more direct links to those same pages from other already indexed sources. If one of your indexed pages contains a link to a resource declared disallowed in robots.txt. Search engines will still tend to index it. The only exception occurs when the latter contains the . In short, with the robots.txt file there are never real guarantees – but the most expert SEOs know only too well that, when dealing with search engines, almost nothing is completely certain. How does robots.txt work?

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