Definition of on-page SEO Graphical on-page SEO The term SEO on page defines all

The SEO activities that can be implemented within the individual pages of a site, blog or online portal which have the objective of maximizing the exposure of the page in the results proposed by search engines. Myths and graceful legends about on-page SEO There is a lot of talk about on-page SEO, there are those who say “Without links you can’t go anywhere” and those who say “Google is intelligent and knows how to evaluate content”. Discordant theories on the topic that often mess up even the most experienced SEOs, but what is the truth about this discipline? Is it really possible to make Google understand that your content and pages are better than others even without link building ? And to what extent can on-page SEO really be useful for gaining traffic? Personally, I have a fairly precise idea about all this and today, after hundreds and hundreds of hours spent doing SEO, I feel I can firmly answer these questions.

On-page SEO is crucial, indispensable and the basis of

SEO strategy or optimization Chinese Overseas Asia Number Data seo on page according to forbes . Well yes, on-page SEO represents a MUST for every active site on the internet. These are the basics, the foundations of a discipline. SEO, which is often spoken of in mystical terms, forgetting that in fact there are certain basics that must always be respected . I have seen SEOs talk about structured data . Which, among other things, I have already talked to you about in the article.

Structured data, or how to make your content shine on the SERPs

Special Data

Without worrying UK WhatsApp Number Database about the most basic elements such as titles, headings and descriptions. Others who reasoned about PBN having 95% bounce rates on their sites and. I could go on and on and on. That’s why today, once and for all, I want to highlight to you what you should and shouldn’t do. On-page SEO: Google? he preaches well but he scratches badly! If you follow me. You know what I think about Google and its indications on the quality of sites and in fact. I asked myself, but will the Google Blog, in terms of on-page SEO.  Be properly optimized?


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