Highly descriptive Some might think that since search engine

Crawlers place great importance on the title tag , it might be convenient to include something . Highly attractive in that short string, regardless of what the text actually contains. For example, I could try to fool Google – and users too – by titling this post “ The definitive SEO guide ”. What would happen? Users arriving on this page after passing through Google’s SERP would realize within a few seconds that they have been deceived and that they do not have a complete SEO guide in front of them at all. Result? All those users would leave the page after a few seconds. Google , which has become increasingly intelligent over the years, takes user behavior into great account , and therefore would end up penalizing that page. How is it possible? Simple.

The process that leads many users to click on a page on

The SERP and then Lebanon Telegram Number Data abandon it immediately afterwards, evidently disappointed by its actual contents. Is called Pogo-sticking , and Google has learned to recognize it. If the time spent on a page is painful, that same . Page can only be bad or disappointing, and for this reason it should be penalized. To get back to us, remember that if your title tag is not consistent with the real content of your page, the latter will most likely be penalized, first by users and then by Google . Hamlet doubt: should the domain be inserted in the title tag? You would like it if there were always precise answers in the world of SEO, valid for all the most different cases, right?

The fun lies in finding the best solutions for every occasion!

Telegram Number Data

As you may have New Zealand phone number database understood, there is no certain answer to this question. Sometimes the domain or brand name must be inserted in the title tag , other times not. There are two cases in which, in my opinion, it is better to include the name of the domain or your brand in the.  SEO title: It is definitely worth including the domain name in the title of your homepage. If you have a well-known and strong brand you should certainly include the domain in the title to give greater power to the snippet that appears on search engines I’ll tell you more. The most popular brands, those that are universally recognized as leaders in their sector. Should put their name not so much at the end of the title tag but rather at the beginning, so they can beat the.

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